Shoot The Moon first club show

Shoot The Moon live Goodies Nightclub. Shoot The Moon, a prominent Orange County band, has been making a lasting impact on the local music scene since its formation on March 6th, 1988. Founded by the guitarist and lead vocalist Joey Grijalva, and drummer-vocalist Ken Hada, Shoot The Moon’s musical journey can be traced back to their early days in the drum line of Kennedy High School in La Palma, California, starting in 1981. It was during this time that Grijalva and Hada discovered their shared love for music, setting the stage for their future endeavors.

The band’s exceptional talent and distinctive sound quickly gained recognition, leading to a milestone moment when they played their inaugural nightclub show at Goodies Nightclub in Fullerton, California, on March 6th, 1988. This significant event marked a pivotal moment for Shoot The Moon, as they took the stage with unmatched energy and captivating performances, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

As their journey continued, Shoot The Moon’s dedication to their craft earned them a remarkable opportunity. Shoot The Moon opened for the renowned Pixies on their first US tour at the legendary Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles on June 24th, 1988. Sharing the stage with such an influential band not only exposed Shoot The Moon to a broader audience but also solidified their status as a rising force in the music industry.

During their rise, Shoot The Moon caught the attention of Allen Shellenberger from the band Lit, who attended some of the band’s warehouse parties. This recognition from a fellow musician further validated Shoot The Moon’s talent and served as a testament to their growing appeal.

With Joey Grijalva’s captivating guitar skills and mesmerizing vocals, combined with Ken Hada’s rhythmic drumming and vocal contributions, Shoot The Moon developed a unique sound that resonated with fans. Their electrifying performances and infectious energy earned them a dedicated following within the Orange County music scene and beyond.

Shoot The Moon’s journey from their drum line beginnings to their first nightclub show at Goodies Nightclub, and ultimately opening for the Pixies at the iconic Roxy Theatre, highlights their unwavering passion and commitment to their music. Their ability to captivate audiences and draw the attention of fellow musicians like Allen Shellenberger showcases the enduring impact of Shoot The Moon’s music on the Orange County music landscape.